Thursday, December 31, 2015

'Home Theater' sales scam, Flying J Truck stop, Blacksburg, SC 'White Van Scam'

I knew this was a scam, but until yesterday, didn't realize this type of scam had an unofficial name, 'White Van Scam', due to many of these transactions being conducted from 'white vans'.

These scams are conducted by people who claim they have 'excess' electronic products they will sell you at a serious discount.    
In this video, this man claims he is an employee, making a delivery for his employer, and has excess, high end home theater systems  he can sell for a fraction of the retail price.   He showed me three boxed systems with no brand name that seemed familiar.      I really didn't intend to interact with him, but remembered my dash cams were running, so why not give this scumbag some exposure?

When I googled for possible info on this scam, I found this scam was very common in the Charlotte area.
The products are very cheaply made in China.   This man claims his system is made in Germany.
The electronic products they pitch may function somewhat for a short time, but do not have the specs they claim, and are of very inferior quality.   It's junk you could buy for 10% of the price they will eventually settle for, and not worth it at any price.   

Just remember, it's not really illegal to get some gullible person to pay too much for a piece of crap electronics.   It is illegal to misrepresent what you are selling, but generally hard to prove, or prosecute.   The police are generally not interested.   Like the scammer, they just assume you are stupid.

I've seen various electronic products sold this way in truck stop parking lots, as well as kitchen ware, jewelry, and there used to be large, travelling groups who sold knock off perfumes.

Never buy anything from  roaming vendors in truck stop parking lots!  

The salesman was in a dark blue/black Dodge Durango with NC tags.

Use your brain!   Would somebody working in a legit business sell you a 'high end' system at 10% of the retail price?
The story is BS, but people in that business would know the real value of the item, and have access to people who would be happy to get a deal.  They don't need to travel the roads to find a customer, unless they hope to find a very stupid one!

Video from an Ausdom A261 dash cam provided by

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