Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Jeep using shoulder to pass trafffic backup, forces way back into traffi...

This video is via the A118C dashcam, which has been working well for the last week or so.

It's pretty common to have impatient, selfish drivers using the shoulder of the highway to get around slower or stopped traffic.   Usually when one gets away with it, others follow, and the shoulder becomes a new, 'unofficial' traffic lane.    Along with creating chaos when these pigs need to get back into the normal traffic lane, due to a cop or obstruction on the shoulder, they also can potentially block emergency vehicles that need to get to a scene of an accident.   I love it when I see these people get ticketed, which doesn't happen often enough.     So you save a few minutes or seconds in your drive time?    Are you still so smug if you realize you delayed paramedics getting to a crash victim?    My guess is these pigs don't care.  

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