Monday, November 24, 2014

Fort McHenry tunnel tollbooths, Stupid trucker, caught on cam

Approaching tollbooths on I-95 is often crazy enough, without a stupid trucker doing a U-turn, actually, a 360, in front of you to get to a different toll lane!
Cars will cut you off at the last minute, trying to get to a quicker toll lane, and often it's kind of vague which lane you are lining up for. You need to be careful, there are impatient, and inattentive, idiots behind the wheel.
Take our friend in the red car hauler, who must have entered the wrong toll lane, decided the smartest thing to do was to completely turn around in the one way, oncoming traffic, to get to the correct lane.
Traffic was light, he was lucky, but I hope he was held at the toll gate until the police arrived.
What do you do when you realize you are in the wrong toll lane, like a lane for electronic payment methods you do not have? SIT THERE, and wait. A toll attendant from another booth, or the office, will walk over to you. Yes, they are usually not very happy to do this, but they will, and you probably will just pay your toll and go on your way.

Video from an HP F200 dashcam, and JVC Adixxion action cam

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