Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lexus SUV with Obama sticker, tailgating Prius West Virginia 12-27-14

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Never walk across a truckstop parking lot barefoot, or in sandals Free ...

Gordon Milk Transport tanker, tailgating, I-80, PA 12-15-14

Drivers like this really scare, and disgust me.   They don't have enough patience to wait for a slower vehicle to get out of the way when they are in a hurry, or any common sense.

Watch this Gordon Milk Transport tanker climb up on the bumper of the big truck, then repeatedly swerve in his lane to make sure that truck knew he was behind him, and in a hurry.

From my experience, truckers who drive like this, do it all the time.  This is probably not a 'one of a kind' situation, where the driver is just having a bad day, or a momentary lack of judgement.
This is  a predatory pig, who should not be driving a truck.  

Video captured via my HP F200 Dashcam